Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Shit hath hitteth the fan-eth. Post-exam, Vivvy's up to dirty art again. Heh heh. And getting distracted posting stuff when she's supposed to be doing her research. Margh!

THE BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH. <--click here to see picture, all ye goode people over the age of 16. *grins broadly* Heh heh.

Argh. It's actually starting to creep me out how young I've made her look. I'm thinking I may need to correct that during inking. Starting to scream at me "SO WROOONG!!!" >___<

And I'm hungry. Had the nicest Salmon and Mushroom sandwich at Gelare for lunch. I think their food is highly underrated.

So tempted to buy like nice skirts and things but my mum keeps reminding me that there's no way I can wear them at -20 degrees in Ithaca College (where I will be duking it out next semester on exchange programme...I don't think I've mentioned it here before, have I? *ponders*), so have kinda lost interest in shopping a little. Weirdly enough, have bought tank tops from U2, but my excuse is, you can never do without a few basics in the wardrobe, plus I can happily decorate one of them because they were so freakin' cheap (2 for $20). And it seems like my Launchcast radio has just wound down, so I's disappear to crank it up again.

*I's disappears*

Viv wished for the moon @ 3:14 AM

Sunday, November 06, 2005

"If it's a war Aslan wants, then it's a war he gets." -- Jadis the White Witch

Yes folks, I am currently excited beyond all rationality. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is coming!!!!! Look for the exclusive extended trailer here at Moviefone. Isn't AOL counting its lucky charms/stars/rabbits' feet/all of the above that it's a Disney-Chum?

I just hope for a few small things from LWW:
1. It's a kids' movie, but please don't let it be too many happy colours and don't let the battle scenes be unreal and bloodless. Even if it is a fantasy land I doubt its inhabitants don't bleed if you run them through.
2. Don't let this just be a "rebound film", in the void left behind with the completion of LOTR and the Star Wars um...sext-ology? Or whatever you call a 6-set. Mm. I'm hoping it doesn't look too much like LOTR either, although comparisons are inevitable and have been bouncing happily off the web. Tilda Swinton as Jadis the White Witch looks disturbingly like Cate Blanchett as Galadriel, James McAvoy as Mr Tumnus has big blue eyes, curly dark hair and porcelain-pretty skin like a certain Mr Baggins, and Anne Popplewood as Susan, once in powder blue coronation gown with mutton sleeves, is only lacking pointy ears to make her Arwen. >_< Well we'll see how that plays out.
3. I'm a bit apprehensive. Director is Andrew Adamson?! Ok I liked Shrek well enough but Shrek 2 was a rather disappointing bit of commercial schlock and the Shrek Karaoke Party in the swamp was just wrong on all sorts of...wrong levels. With a record like that...well then again Peter Jackson was king of B-grade movies before he worked on LOTR, so should probably give him a chance. It helps that the trailers are getting me all wriggly and excited like a kitten with fleas, and I mean that in the absolutely best possible way. X) So let's see what this Adamson fella's got...

Hmm...And I'm wondering if he'll try to sneak a green ogre into a battle scene. That'd be one amusing little easter egg.

James McAvoy is a very cute faun. Back and chest hair never looked so good before. *grin* X)

My brain is working way too slow, considering that exams are day after tomorrow. At this point in time it should be chugging a little faster, right? Feel kinda burned out right now though. I realize there's so much to do, and I keep forgetting stuff I've learned just days (even hours) earlier...and that's depressing.

I read through my old blog archives and realized I used to be a lot more buoyant and chirpy when I wrote. I seemed a lot happier and confident in JC and I think it shows in my entries. Nothing got me down! Much. Ok I know I'm probably lounging too comfortably in the fat armchair labelled "Hi! I'm Hindsight! Sit on me!", but I think I really was a lot more sparkier and relaxed and happy then. I guess things have changed a whole lot. I've changed. Or reverted. Retreated back into myself, a little like when I was in secondary school. HCJC was probably more the happy anomaly of my life rather than the norm...and I wonder if I can reclaim it back.

If you did a content analysis of my blog I'd bet you'd find a jump in the number of swear words used as well, especially in the past year's entries. Mm. Transition to a darker personality, laden with more pathos and angst? Post-adolescent regression? Pick a card, any card. And you, hey! Stop stuffing them up your sleeves!

Viv wished for the moon @ 6:08 AM

Saturday, November 05, 2005

And suddenly, out of nowhere, comes an UPDATE!

Okay so I felt pannngs of guilt of the mildest variety for abandoning blog for so long. I really have to resurrect this shit, don't I? XD I'll be in Ithaca College next semester on exchange and I think it'd be great if I could chronicle it here. I'm not the picture-y sort but I think if I don't get it down in writing (typing?) and pictures (pixels?!) it's going to be an awful shame. It would be like, I don't know, Moses not writing Exodus or something. I have this little theory going that maybe he kept a travel diary of his own that probably went something like this:

Day 34: Going through desert now. Israelites whining. Keep getting sand in loincloth. Neither comfortable nor sacred.
Day 226: Still in desert. I wonder where we'll be tomorrow.
Day 4095: More desert. We're still here?! Oh in other news, have caught Miriam for dumping sand in loincloth. She and Aaron started bitching and got thrown out of camp. Ha! Ha!

I hope that wasn't too irreverent. But I need to let off steam...exams let you experience whole new levels of pain that ain't sweet at all. Back to Karl Marx for the weather update.

Or rather, just, back to Karl Marx. *trudges*

Viv wished for the moon @ 11:51 AM

Please manually type in the URL of the image (
imaginarium/images/bali.jpg)into your address bar to access it. Angelfire is rather picky about remote linking so you just have to that to see it...happy viewing! :)

Aurora Borealis

Thing of the day

adopt your own virtual pet!

Head in the clouds
Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.

Moon at her feet
Viv's Deviantart Gallery
Viv's Elfwood Gallery

Across the Universe
Atlanta OG Blog
Becky Boo
Becky of the Pretty Things
"We shall welease....BWYAN!"
Happy Hamster
Su Lin
Yu Heng

Fly away
HCJC Prom 2003
See the Bible in Lego
Snopes: Bustin' Urban Legends
eBaumsworld: Hours of screwed-up fun
Get yer fanfic fix here
Webcomic: Demonology 101
Webcomic: Something Positive
Webcomic: The New Adventures of Bobbin!
Webcomic: Two Lumps
Be Annoying
Nigerian 419 Scam-baiter
YuHeng's Stuff
Scuzzy's Lair
Class 401 Website :)
SGAnime Forums
LOTR Secret Diaries

Back to the Future
March '06
February '06
January '06
December '05
November '05
October '05
September '05
August '05
July '05
June '05
May '05
April '05
March '05
February '05
January '05
December '04
November '04
October '04
September '04
August '04
July '04
June '04
May '04
April '04
March '04
February '04
January '04
December '03
November '03
October '03
September '03
August '03
July '03
June '03
May '03
April '03
March '03
February '03
January '03
December '02
November '02
October '02
September '02
August '02
July '02
June '02
May '02
April '02
March '02

-Misc: Kinokuniya vouchers
-Artiness: Copic/Prismacolour markers
-Artiness: The Art of Alphonse Mucha, published by Taschen
-Software: Full version of Open Canvas
-Girly stuff: Stila makeup products
-Girly stuff:Jewellry
-Girly stuff:Hair accessories
-Girly stuff:Beanie Babies and other such stuffed miscellany
-Girly stuff:A new wallet (must be pretty and spacious!)
-Comic: The Matrix comic
-Comic: Tomb Raider: Journeys
-Comic: Rose (Prologue to Bone)
-Comic: Kabuki (Book 5)
-Comic/GN: Blankets
-Comic&Stuff-in-General: Batman (in particular, Batman: Hush)
-Comic&Stuff-in-General: Catwoman (excluding Catwoman: Crooked Little Town)
-Comic&Stuff-in-General: Sandman
-Comic&Stuff-in-General: Hellboy
-Books: How to Draw Manga: Artillery and Military Volume 1 (title something to that effect)
-Books: Animation coffee table books
-Books: 20th century plays (Stoppard, Ibsen, etc)
-DVD: Back to the Future Trilogy Special Edition
-DVD: STAR WARS TRILOGY!!! (when it hits the market!)
-DVD: The complete LOTR: Extended Version (as and when it comes out...!)
-DVD: Tron Special Edition Set
-DVD: The Lion King Box set
-DVD: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Special edition
-DVD: Complete 1st Season of Spongebob Squarepants
-CD: Poodle Hat (By Weird Al)
-CD: A Boy Named Goo (By The Goo Goo Dolls)
-CD: Five for Fighting (By Five for Fighting)

Count the stars


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